

Published May 28, 2021

Longjun Zhou  

Hui Gu


Success for All (SFA) is a school improvement project promoted by the team of Professor Robert Slavin of Johns Hopkins University. This paper reviewed the development process of SFA and analyzed its characteristics. By comparing with China’s “New Basic Education” project, we summarized the reference value of SFA for China, and further discussed the possible path of China’s evidence-based school improvement.



Robert Edward Slavin, Success for All, Evidence-Based School Improvement, Enlightenment to China

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How to Cite
Zhou, L., & Gu, H. (2021). Success for All: Professor Slavin and the Improvement of Evidence-Based Schools and Its Enlightenment to China. Best Evidence in Chinese Education, 8(1), 1029–1040. https://doi.org/10.15354/bece.21.or35
Original Article