

Published Sep 30, 2021

Jingzhong Huang  

Qian Wang

Huanchun Chen

Xingyuan Gao


Communicative ability is embodied as "extroversion" in the Big Five Personality Test. Extroversion is an extremely important concept in personality psychology and a more common personality trait. Typically, it includes boldness, self-confidence, liveliness, enthusiasm, optimism, and being. In studying adolescents’ social and emotional abilities, the OECD designed a communication competence evaluation framework based on “extroversion” in the “Big Five Personality” model based on the physical and mental development characteristics of 10-year-old and 15-year-old adolescents. In the OECD evaluation framework, there are three sub-dimensions of communicative competence: happy group, courage and vitality. This study is based on the evaluation data of Suzhou City in China and presents the evaluation results of the communicative ability dimension of the youth social and emotional ability survey in various ways. The data results are presented in the following three parts. The first part uses descriptive statistics to illustrate the overall score of communicative ability, the correlation coefficient of communicative ability and other sub-abilities, and the differences of each ability in age, gender, urban and rural areas, and school categories. The second part uses factors that affect the ability to communicate through multiple regression analysis, including background variables, student variables, teacher variables, school variables, family variables, the impact of student happiness, courage and vitality. Finally, the third part uses multiple regression analysis of the 10-year-old and 15-year-old groups to determine the influence of happiness, courage and vitality on life outcome variables such as health and well-being.



China, Education, Non-Cognitive Ability, Social and Emotional Skills, Adolescents

How to Cite
Huang, J., Wang, Q. ., Chen, H., & Gao, X. (2021). Communicative Competence: The Fifth Report of the Social and Emotional Competence Test of Chinese Adolescents. Best Evidence in Chinese Education, 9(1), 1217–1221. https://doi.org/10.15354/bece.21.rp035