Teacher Support, Reading Strategy and Reading Literacy: A Two-Level Mediation Model
The purpose of this study was to use the data consisted of 5,115 fifteen-year-old Shanghai students in 152 schools from the PISA 2009, by building cross-level mediation model, to explore how the influence on students’ reading literacy from teachers’ support through learning strategy. The results revealed that teacher support is positively directly related to students’ reading literacyStudents’ learning strategy (such as elaboration strategy and control strategy) and metacognition strategy were cross-level mediators between teachers’ support and their students’ reading literacy; But memory strategy in the learning strategy does not play a cross-level mediation effect.
Teacher Support, Learning Strategy, Reading Literacy, Hierarchical Liner Modeling, PISA
This work was supported by the National Social Science Foundation of China (The Ideas and Results of PISA and Its Implications for China’s Education Examination, CBA130127), 13th Five-Year Plan Research Project of Philosophy and Social Science in Guangdong, China (GD17XXL02), and Innovation Project of Educational Science in Guangdong, China (2016GXJK032).
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