The Effect of School Organizational Support on Job Satisfaction of Primary and Secondary School Teachers: The Mediating Role of Teachers’ Engagement in Educational Research
The topic of teacher work satisfaction has long been a focus of educational study. This study examined the impact of school organizational support on teacher job satisfaction as mediated by teachers’ engagement in educational research, utilizing the findings of a survey on the academic quality of basic education students in Jiangsu Province in 2020 and analyzing the data of 21,154 primary and 16,585 secondary school teachers. In this work, the structural equation model is utilized. Significant favorable relationships are shown between school organization support, teachers’ participation in educational research, and teachers’ work happiness. The engagement of teachers in educational research somewhat mediates the relationship between school organization support and teacher job happiness. School organization support positively predicts teacher job satisfaction. The impact of school organization support on teachers’ participation in educational research and job satisfaction is greater at the primary level than at the junior secondary level.
Teacher Educational Research, Teacher Job Satisfaction, School Organizational Support, Mediating Effect
This study is funded by the Priority Academic Program Development of Jiangsu Higher Education Institutions (PAPD).
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