Developmental Perspective on Regenerative Medicine: An Update
Regenerative medicine is an interdisciplinary field of research and clinical applications focused on the repair, replacement or regeneration of cells, tissues or organs to restore impaired function resulting from any cause, including congenital defects, disease, trauma and ageing. The main focus of regenerative medicine is the human cells. In order to achieve the purpose of regenerative medicine, several scientists and clinicians have been stimulated to focus on regenerative ideas when dealing with tissue failure due to rapid success seen with early tissue engineering. Recently, financial meltdown has choked biotech by devastating its already floundering inflow of investment funds. However, regenerative medicine is a hope for future medicine as big pharmaceutical corporations have been acquiring some of the most significant biotech, possibly marking a new era where regenerative medicine. This results in making the academic labs of universities and the small boundaries of SMEs opportunity for gainful applications in the marketplace. The quest for regeneration is one of the dreams of mankind, like flying and setting foot on the moon. Stem cells have been becoming the promising way for being induced to differentiate into different purpose cells even some thorny problems are still there. It can be predicted that it is the destiny of mankind to reach for its visions, and therefore regenerative medicine is bound to be the hope for future medicine.
Regenerative Medicine, Engineering, Stem Cell, Organ, Tissue
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