Articular Cartilage Repair
The articular cartilage repair can be achieved through different ways that is cell based repair, articular cartilage transplant, the use of micro fracture technique, the use of osteochondral autograft transplant, palliative care and the use of cell and scaffold technology. Articular cartilage repair is ineffective in some cases depending on the method which is used in the repair processes. The replacement does not help most of the patients, and this has dramatically resulted in other adverse effects to the clients. The majority of the patients who have adverse symptoms and considerable tear damage of tissues do not heal faster. The surgeons should take advantage of the rapidly growing technology in the field of medicine. This will help them to adopt those technologically based modes of articular cartilage methods which are more effective than those other method. The processes should be conducted with a lot of care as any defect can lead to further damage to the articular cartilage tissues which are very delicate.
Cartilage, Articular Joint, Osteoarthritis, Regeneration, Bioengineering
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