Receptor Accessory Proteins and Glucocorticoid Receptor Activation: A Novel Model in Inflammatory Response
Inflammation is the initial step of physiological defense against injury, and also the mainstay of the pathogenesis and development of different diseases. The balance between pro- and anti-inflammation is maintained through the involvement of various molecules. The activation of glucocorticoid receptor (GR) plays an essential role in contributing to the anti-inflammatory effect of endogenous cortical steroids and exogenous glucocorticoids (GC). During the GR activation process, receptor accessory proteins (RAPs) are important parts functioning as critical components of GR-associated signaling cascades. The binding of GR with its ligand GC and the subsequent transfer of heterologous receptor complex need the participation and regulation of various molecular chaperones. Determining the precise interaction between GR and the RAPs can help to understand the underlying molecular mechanisms of GR activation, and to insight into the potential therapeutics of GC-related treatment. We herein review the up-to-date development of RAPs, and present a new model of GR signaling activation.
Glucocorticoid Receptor, Immunoaffinity Protein, FK506, Molecular Chaperone, BAG-1, Heat Shock Protein
This study was supported by the National Natural Scientific Foundation of China (NSFC, 81271242, 81371248); Nanjing Medical University Medical Science Development Grant (2014NMUZD043).
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