Use of Stem cells in Burn Wound Healing
Stem cell research can open gateways to further development in science changing the way of healing process. It can prove to be a game changing factors both practitioners of medicine and patients. Patients suffering from burn wounds no longer have to face aesthetic issues when wounds are healed and the healing process will become more rapid and effective. More focus needs to be done on analyzing the way a body of experiments and their conclusions will affect humans since most of the trials have used animals as subjects. Controversial opinions regarding the use of stem cell research is presenting itself as a major hindrance in its application. To counter this, more awareness needs to be created amongst the general public regarding the ways in which stem cell research can be done. Adult cells can also be used to generate stem cells; hence the argument that embryos will be harmed in generating stem cells is futile. It is also important to note that some of the experiments have failed to provide consistent results, which need to be reviewed in order to see their feasibility in being applied to humans and provides an opportunity for stem cell researchers to take it up as a challenge.
Burn Wound, Stem Cell, Inflammation, Regeneration, Proliferation
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