

Published Dec 22, 2016

Xiaofeng Shen  


OBJECTIVE: The aim of this study was to investigate the impact of epidural analgesia on the rate of Cesarean section in nulliparous women.
METHODS: Retrospectively a total of 200 nulliparous women who underwent spontaneous vaginal delivery at term with or without requesting labor analgesia were reviewed and screened. The primary outcome is the rate of Cesarean section at different cervix diameter. Others included maternal and neonatal outcomes due to epidural analgesia and drug delivery.
RESULTS: The data from a total of 139 subjects were eventually included into the analysis. Significant difference in the rate of Cesarean delivery was observed amongst the two groups (7.3% in patients with epidural analgesia versus 63.4% in patients without epidural analgesia, P < 0.0001). The pain rating, oxytocin use, and patient’s satisfaction were also superior in those underwent epidural analgesia than those without analgesia. No significant differences were expressed in variables of non-reassuring fetal status.
CONCLUSIONS: Epidural analgesia does not increase the rate of Cesarean section, on the contrary, it is a reliable way to reduce the rate compared with the patients who do not received the analgesia in nulliparous women.



Epidural Analgesia, Labor Pain, Cesarean Section, Cervix, Nullipara

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How to Cite
Shen, X. (2016). Does Epidural Labor Analgesia Increase the Rate of Cesarean Section? A Retrospective Study. Science Insights, 2016(19), 1–6. https://doi.org/10.15354/si.16.ar390
Original Article