Toxicity and Health Hazards of Pyrethroid Pesticides
Worldwide, pyrethroid pesticides have been widely used in the control of agricultural pests and indoor pesticides, so they have an important impact on human daily life. The acute toxicity studies of pyrethroid pesticides have gotten many achievements and progress, but there is still no clear demonstration of its long-term chronic effects. This review presented the collection of published experiments, population surveys and laboratory tests on the long-term and chronic effects of pyrethroid pesticides. Typical research papers, and screened out the research progress in neurotoxicity, reproductive developmental toxicity, immunotoxicity and tumor research of pyrethroid pesticides. It can provide reference ideas for further research and development of harmless pesticides and pesticides.
Pyrethroid Pesticides, Health Hazard, Toxicity, Metabolism, Preventive Maneuvers
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