A Mismatch between the Scale of Higher Education and the Level of Household Incomes: Causes of Proliferation of Online College Student Loans in China
Feb 28, 2023
Over the past decades, Chinese higher education has undergone a dramatic expansion. According to An Overview of Chinese Education: National Education Development in 2020 issued by the Ministry of Education of P. R. China, there were 2738 higher education institutions in China in 2020, with an admission rate of 54.4% and a total enrollment of 41.83 million students (1). With the rapid popularization of higher education, numerous issues have emerged on college campuses. The unreasonable proliferation of online student loads is one of them.
Higher Education, Family Income, Student Lending, Online
1. Ministry of Education of China. An Overview of Chinese Education: National Education Development in 2020. Ministry of Education of China. 2021. Available at: http://www.moe.gov.cn/jyb_sjzl/s5990/202111/t20211115_579974.html
2. Ishitani TT. Studying attrition and degree completion behavior among first-generation college students in the United States. J Higher Educ 2006; 77(5):861-885. DOI: https://doi.org/10.1080/00221546.2006.11778947
3. Chen L, Duchan C, Durante A, Kreiss K, Merry EA, Robles BJ, Zabek M. Report on the Economic Well-Being of US Households in 2018 (No. 4655). Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System (US). 2019. Available at: https://www.federalreserve.gov/publications/default.htm
4. Lin XY. The current state of online college student loans and college guiding strategies. Tax Pay 2019; 2019(21):195
5. Bu Q. Risks in online college student lending in China and coordinated regulation. Sci Insights 2023; 42(2):807-811. DOI: https://doi.org/10.15354/si.22.re122
6. Wu Y, Du XY. Higher Education and Economic Development. Product Res 2007; 2007(21):75-76.
7. National Bureau of Statistics. China Statistical Yearbook 2022. China Statistics. 2022. Available at: http://www.stats.gov.cn/tjsj/ndsj/2022/indexch.htm
8. Wu Q. The impact of household income and its characteristics on family education expenditure. J Cent Chin Norm Univ (Human Soc Sci) 2020; 59(5). Available at: https://www.doc88.com/p-99559428165124.html
2. Ishitani TT. Studying attrition and degree completion behavior among first-generation college students in the United States. J Higher Educ 2006; 77(5):861-885. DOI: https://doi.org/10.1080/00221546.2006.11778947
3. Chen L, Duchan C, Durante A, Kreiss K, Merry EA, Robles BJ, Zabek M. Report on the Economic Well-Being of US Households in 2018 (No. 4655). Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System (US). 2019. Available at: https://www.federalreserve.gov/publications/default.htm
4. Lin XY. The current state of online college student loans and college guiding strategies. Tax Pay 2019; 2019(21):195
5. Bu Q. Risks in online college student lending in China and coordinated regulation. Sci Insights 2023; 42(2):807-811. DOI: https://doi.org/10.15354/si.22.re122
6. Wu Y, Du XY. Higher Education and Economic Development. Product Res 2007; 2007(21):75-76.
7. National Bureau of Statistics. China Statistical Yearbook 2022. China Statistics. 2022. Available at: http://www.stats.gov.cn/tjsj/ndsj/2022/indexch.htm
8. Wu Q. The impact of household income and its characteristics on family education expenditure. J Cent Chin Norm Univ (Human Soc Sci) 2020; 59(5). Available at: https://www.doc88.com/p-99559428165124.html
How to Cite
Zhou, L. (2023). A Mismatch between the Scale of Higher Education and the Level of Household Incomes: Causes of Proliferation of Online College Student Loans in China: . Science Insights, 42(2), 799–800. https://doi.org/10.15354/si.23.co008

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