• Topic: Education Strategy (Technique)
  • Proposed Issue: Volume 15, No. 2, April 2023
  • Range: Any topics related to education strategy (Technique) both in theory and practice
  • Submission: Mark the submission with “Education Strategy (Technique)” Thematic Issue at the top of the title page
  • Limitations: No
  • Guest Editor: Xiaoqiao Cheng, PhD, Nanjing Normal University

Education consists primarily of students efficiently studying under the supervision of teachers. Based on the assumption that the content of education is predetermined, the strategy of education and teaching has a significant impact on the outcome of education. With the growth of information technology, education and teaching techniques are continuously updated, creating a freely blossoming situation. In an effort to promote the reform of education and teaching methods, SIEF intends to host a thematic issue centered on this topic. The thematic issue can focus on the teaching strategies of teachers, the learning methods of students, and any educational strategies. It is possible to do the research both theoretically and practically.