Engagement in Structured Extracurricular Activities: A Preventive Measure for Technology Addiction in Adolescents
Background: Technology has been an integral part of our lives, and it has both positive and negative effects on adolescents. The engagement in structured extracurricular activities can be utilized as a prevention method for technology or internet addiction. This can channel their time and energy in the right direction and empower valuable results for youth. The present study was conducted to compare adolescents engaged in structured and non-structured extracurricular activities in terms of spending time on computers using the internet for education and entertainment.
Methodology: In a cross-sectional research design, the Strength and Difficulty Questionnaire was administered to a total of 124 adolescents (75 males and 49 females) to exclude adolescents with behavioral disturbances. In addition, a semi-structured interview was also used for understanding and analyzing the impacts of structured and unstructured extracurricular activities (in terms of frequency and duration).
Results and Conclusion: Results indicated that academic grades were highest in adolescents involved in structured extra-curricular activities. Internet use and mobile use for social purposes were found to be higher among adolescents involved in structured extracurricular activities. Thus, active participation in structured extracurricular activities leads to the holistic development of adolescents, better academic performance, and decreased involvement in technology.
Adolescence, Technology- Use, Structured Extracurricular Activities, Academic Grades
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