

Published Oct 31, 2023

Seyda Gul

Esra Ozay Kose  

Banuçiçek Ozdemir


The aim of this study is to develop a valid and reliable scale to determine the attitudes towards the activities that can be applied to the mentally retarded students about biology and nature. During the preparation of the draft form of the scale, an item pool was created from relevant literature. Then, these items were presented to expert opinion in terms of language, intelligibility and content. This draft scale with 30 items in 5-point Likert type was applied to 177 pre-service teachers studying in the special education department of the faculty of education at a state university. Item analysis, exploratory factor analysis and confirmatory factor analysis were performed for the data collected after the application. As a result of the analyses, it was revealed that the scale had a five-factor structure consisting of 20 items. Confirmatory factor analysis revealed that the factor structure was compatible with the data. Goodness of fit index values was sufficient. The Cronbach Alpha internal consistency coefficient of the scale was calculated as 0.89. It can be said that the scale is valid and reliable in determining the views of pre-service teachers about the activities to be applied for mentally retarded students. In addition, the scale is suitable not only for teacher candidates, but also for use by teachers and researchers. In addition, different types of samples such as students in other fields at the undergraduate level and special education teachers who take courses related to special education can be included in the study group.


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Biology and Nature, Mentally Disabled Students, Teacher Attitude, Scale Development

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How to Cite
Gul, S., Kose, E. O., & Ozdemir, B. (2023). Development of an Attitude Scale on Activities Related to Biology and Nature for Mentally Disabled Students. Science Insights Education Frontiers, 18(2), 2885–2904. https://doi.org/10.15354/sief.23.or416
Original Article