

Published Feb 29, 2024

Nurdan Akgun

Seyda Gul  


This study aims to develop a test to measure sixth grade students’ success in ‘Circulatory System’. For this purpose, a draft test containing 22 questions was prepared by the researchers. And then, the draft test was submitted to expert opinion and examined in terms of language and content. Following expert opinions, the 22 multiple-choice questions were administered to 128 seventh graders attended to two different secondary schools. Item analysis was performed in the data and thus, two questions were removed from the draft test. According to the findings, the overall item difficulty value of the 20-question final test was calculated as 0.654, and the item discrimination value was calculated as 0.54. KR-20 reliability coefficient of the test was 0.71. Seven of the questions are at the remembering level. Additionally, there were eight questions at the understanding level and five questions at the analysis level according to Bloom’ revised taxonomy.


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Achievement, Circulatory System, Test Development, Sixth Graders

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How to Cite
Akgun, N., & Gul, S. (2024). Developing an Achievement Test on the Subject of ‘Circulatory System’ for Sixth Graders. Science Insights Education Frontiers, 20(2), 3247–3262. https://doi.org/10.15354/sief.24.or526
Original Article