Using the Mixed-Meta Method to Assess Portfolios in Science Teaching
The purpose of this research is to assess portfolio studies in science education in Turkey. The mixed-meta method, which comprises meta-analysis and meta-thematic analysis methods, was used to assess quantitative and qualitative data through document analysis. Studies retrieved from certain databases within the scope of specific criteria were examined with the CMA and MetaWin tools for meta-analysis, and the effect size was found to be as great as g = 1.005 among the 17 studies included in the analysis. It was concluded that the usage of portfolios in science teaching has a good effect. 13 studies based on document analysis within the framework of the determined criteria were assessed with the Maxqda program using content analysis in the meta-thematic analysis. Themes were created, and certain codes were obtained according to these themes. These are the following themes: the effect of portfolios on academic achievement, classroom environment, and 21st-century skills; negative aspects of using portfolios; and recommendations for using portfolios in science education. It has been concluded that the research findings are consistent, and the usage of portfolios in science education has a favorable impact in a variety of ways.
Meta-Thematic, Portfolio, Science Education, Meta-Analysis
No funding source declared.
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