

Published Dec 21, 2020

Lerongrong Chang

Qingyun Bu  


With the advancement of China’s economic and social development and urbanization, the scale of out-of-town migrant workers has been expanding. Following this, migrant worker children’s education problem has become increasingly prominent and has gradually become a focus of education research. This paper reviews recent studies on migrant worker children’s acceptance of compulsory education, and summarizes its existing education problems, aiming to provide direction and support for further promoting education equity and sustainable development of urban and rural education.


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Migrant Workers, Migrant Children, Education Issues, Compulsory Education, Review

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How to Cite
Chang, L., & Bu, Q. (2020). Review on the Compulsory Education Status of Migrant Workers’ Children in Chinese Cities. Science Insights Education Frontiers, 7(2), 861–877. https://doi.org/10.15354/sief.20.re022