The Italian Leadership on Inclusive Education: Myth or Reality?
Abstract: Background: Italy is internationally known as a Country with a longstanding “tradition” of inclusive education.
Objective: Aim of the paper is to provide a frame on the educational policies that, since 1970s, have steered the school system according to a “fully inclusive” model, highlighting the instruments of teaching – learning and evaluation tools for assessing the quality of the inclusive processes.
Methodology: Starting from primary and secondary legislative sources, the paper identifies three main focus points: the passage from the inclusive “principle” to the teaching – learning practices; the tools for answering special educational needs; the tools for assessing the quality of inclusive processes.
Discussion: Even though there are many efforts to align to international legislative regulations and to modernize the concept of inclusive education, Italian reality seems to be ossified in self-referential attitudes, beliefs and practices that saturate the school system. The paper outlines the need for defining new systemic research approaches that can validate this long educational tradition.
Inclusive Education, Italian Educational System, ICF, Individualized Educational Plan, Personalized Instruction Plan
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