Targeted Poverty Alleviation Model of China’s Online Education Based on “Triple Classroom”: Take the “Shi Shi Xiang Yun” Online School in Chengdu, China as an Example
The use of increasingly popularized information technology to improve education poverty and then promote the balanced development of education has become the development trend of world education. On the road to poverty alleviation, China has firmly grasped information technology to encourage school reform in areas with scarce educational resources. Among them, “Triple Classroom” was the accurate result of the deep integration of education, teaching, and information technology. Driven by the “Triple Classroom” project, the Shi Shi Middle School in Chengdu, Sichuan Province, built the online open course with the “Shi Shi Xiang Yun (SSXY)” online school as a platform. Thus, they send high-quality educational resources to areas with scarce educational resources and effectively promote education quality improvement in marginal areas.
“Triple Classroom”, Overeducation, Education for Poverty Alleviation, “Shi Shi Xiang Yun”
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