

Published Dec 31, 2021

Fengping Zhao  

Chuanguo Wei


Home-school partnership plays a critical role in student growth and the home-school partnership courses provide important paths to achieving ideal results of the partnership. Under the guidance of the three principles of “life is education”, “society is school” and “integrating teaching, learning and practice” in Xingzhi Tao’s life education theory, Shandong 271 Education Group developed the parent school course and the family civilization course, which turn out to be a systematic support for the home-school partnership program. This paper analyses the status quo of home-school cooperation in China and focuses elaborations on the components and practice of the two courses in Shandong 271 Education Group.


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Life Education, Xingzhi Tao, Home-School Partnership, Course, Goal, Path

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How to Cite
Zhao, F., & Wei, C. (2021). The Development of Home-School Partnership Courses: A Practice Based on Xingzhi Tao’s Life Education Theory. Science Insights Education Frontiers, 10(2), 1439–1449. https://doi.org/10.15354/sief.21.or065
Original Article