Juvenile Delinquency in China: Causes and Prevention
Jun 30, 2022
Juvenile delinquency is one of the most complex social issues confronting both developing and developed nations in today’s rapidly changing world. In China, adolescent criminality is likewise increasing at an alarming rate. In this study, we examined the status quo of juvenile delinquency in China, elucidated the reasons for adolescent crime from the perspectives of the individual, family, school, and society, and proposed preventive methods to provide insight into the reduction of juvenile delinquency in China.
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Juvenile Delinquency, Juvenile Offenders, Adolescents, Prevention
Adler, A. (1959). The concept of compensation and over-compensation in Alfred Adler's and Kurt Goldstein's theories. Journal of Individual Psychology, 15(1):79.
Chen, W. L. (2021). The Revision of the provisions on the prevention and control of juvenile delinquency and the minimum age of criminal responsibility. China Youth Study, 2021(2):52-57+42. DOI: https://doi.org/10.19633/j.cnki.11-2579/d.2021.0039
Chen, X. L. (2004). A review of the research on juvenile delinquency and family environment in China. China Youth Study, 2004(3):78-78. DOI: https://doi.org/10.19633/j.cnki. 11-2579/d.2004.03.003
Deng, J. (2012). A Review of Juvenile Delinquency Studies in China in the Past Decade. Journal of Henan University of Science and Technology (Social Sciences) 2012(1):108-112. DOI: https://doi.org/10.15926/j.cnki.hkdsk.2012.01.016
Gao, X. Y., & Pang, L. J. (2003). The role of teachers’ educational ideas. Education Science, 2003(2):23-26.
Ghosh, S. (2021). Causes and Prevention of Juvenile Delinquency. Galaxy International Interdisciplinary Research Journal, 9(10):422-426.
Guo, X. (1989). Juvenile Criminology. Law Yearbook of China.
Hirschi, T. (2004). Self-control and crime. In R. F. Baumeister & K. D. Vohs (Eds.), Handbook of self-regulation: Research, theory, and applications (pp. 537–552). The Guilford Press.
Jiang, J. M. (2007). Frustration-attack theory and its implications for juvenile delinquency prevention. Journal of Shangqiu Normal University, 2007(5):108-110.
Jiang, S., He, S. S., & Zou, H. (2006). A review of the relationships between family factors and juvenile delinquency. Advances in Psychological Science, 2006(3):394-400.
Li, X. D., & Zhou, D. (2004). Family preventive measures for juvenile delinquency. Journal of Southwest Normal University (Humanities and Social Sciences), 2004(5): 44-49. DOI: https://doi.org/10.13718/j.cnki xdsk.2004.05.009
Liu, H. (2014). The causes of juvenile delinquency and preventive measures. Teaching and Education, 2014(15):38-39.
Liu, T. (2017). The social function and legal model of juvenile delinquency correction: A Perspective of social system theory. Youth Studies, 2017(3):74-81+96.
Liu, Y. N., Hu, Y., & Guo, H. (2014). The influence of online games on juvenile delinquency. Journal of Northeast Normal University (Philosophy and Social Sciences), 2014(1):29-34. DOI: https://doi.org/10.16164/j.cnki.22-1062/c.2014.01.035
Lu, Q, Guo, K. Y., Zhang, M., Zhang, X. B., Hu, F. Q., & Yang, J. L. (2018). The report on juvenile delinquency in China 2017: Based on a comparative study of juvenile delinquents and other groups. Issues on Juvenile Crimes and Delinquency, 2018(6):29-43.
Ma, H ,& Xu, J.Y. (2011). The physical and psychological causes of Juvenile Delinquency -- Based on Adler's perspective of inferiority complex and compensation. Urban Problems, 2011(5):91-96. DOI: https://doi.org/10.13239/j.bjsshkxy.cswt.2011.05.006
Mei, C. Q., & Li, X. G. (2005). The impact of Internet on juvenile delinquency and preventive measures. Issues on Juvenile Crimes and Delinquency, 2005(5):23-27.
Miller, N. E. (1941). I. The frustration-aggression hypothesis. Psychological Review, 48(4), 337-342. DOI: https://doi.org/10.1037/h0055861
Mishra, E., & Biswal, R. A. (2018). Trends and factors associated with juvenile delinquency: A study from India. International Journal of Applied Social Science, 5(10):1613-1625.
Mo, H. X., & Ye, X. Q. (2006). The lack of school education and juvenile delinquency. Issues on Juvenile Crimes and Delinquency, 2006(2):16-19.
Mwangangi, R. K. (2019). The role of family in dealing with juvenile delinquency. Open Journal of Social Sciences, 7(3), 52-63. DOI: https://doi.org/10.4236/jss.2019.73004
Palmer, E. J., & Hollin, C. R. (1998). A comparison of patterns of moral development in young offenders and non-offenders. Legal and Criminological Psychology, 3(2):225-235. DOI: https://psycnet.apa.org/doi/10.1111/j.2044-8333.1998.tb00363.x
Qu, Z. Y., & Zou, H. (2009). Family environment, parental supervision, self-control and juvenile delinquency. Journal of Psychological Science, 2009(2):360-363+374. DOI: https://doi.org/10.16719/j.cnki.1671-6981.2009.02.052
Shi, Y. F. (2014). The reasons for high incidence of juvenile delinquency: A new probe into the causes of juvenile delinquency in China. Issues on Juvenile Crimes and delinquency, 2014(1):41-46.
Sun, L. J. (2020). Causes and prevention of juvenile delinquency. Journal of Changchun Municipal Party School, 2020(04):34-37. DOI: https://doi.org/10.13784/j.cnki.22-1299/d.2020.04.006
Teng, D.R. (2005). Creating new punishment methods for juvenile delinquency. Contemporary Youth Research, 2005(09): 54-56. DOI: https://doi.org/10.3969/j.issn.1006-1789.2005.09.012
Wang, J. P. (2021). Personality traits of children and the ways of caring and education in single parent families. New Course, 2021(34):236-237.
Yang, X. H. (2015). The prevention of idle juvenile delinquency by public security organs: from the perspective of advantages of social work. Journal of Hubei Police College, 2015(5):127-130.
Zhang, H. Z. (2021). Family-related causes of juvenile delinquency in China and Countermeasures. Journal of Western, 2021(23):107-113. DOI: https://doi.org/10.16721/j.cnki.cn61-1487/c.2021.23.034
Zhou, R. J. (2008, March 27) Experts believe that academic failure is the cause of juvenile delinquency. China Society News. pp.001.
Zou, H., Zhang, Q., & Wang, Y. C. (2005). The progress in research on the relationships between family function and juvenile delinquency. Psychological Development and Education, 2005(3):120-124.
Chen, W. L. (2021). The Revision of the provisions on the prevention and control of juvenile delinquency and the minimum age of criminal responsibility. China Youth Study, 2021(2):52-57+42. DOI: https://doi.org/10.19633/j.cnki.11-2579/d.2021.0039
Chen, X. L. (2004). A review of the research on juvenile delinquency and family environment in China. China Youth Study, 2004(3):78-78. DOI: https://doi.org/10.19633/j.cnki. 11-2579/d.2004.03.003
Deng, J. (2012). A Review of Juvenile Delinquency Studies in China in the Past Decade. Journal of Henan University of Science and Technology (Social Sciences) 2012(1):108-112. DOI: https://doi.org/10.15926/j.cnki.hkdsk.2012.01.016
Gao, X. Y., & Pang, L. J. (2003). The role of teachers’ educational ideas. Education Science, 2003(2):23-26.
Ghosh, S. (2021). Causes and Prevention of Juvenile Delinquency. Galaxy International Interdisciplinary Research Journal, 9(10):422-426.
Guo, X. (1989). Juvenile Criminology. Law Yearbook of China.
Hirschi, T. (2004). Self-control and crime. In R. F. Baumeister & K. D. Vohs (Eds.), Handbook of self-regulation: Research, theory, and applications (pp. 537–552). The Guilford Press.
Jiang, J. M. (2007). Frustration-attack theory and its implications for juvenile delinquency prevention. Journal of Shangqiu Normal University, 2007(5):108-110.
Jiang, S., He, S. S., & Zou, H. (2006). A review of the relationships between family factors and juvenile delinquency. Advances in Psychological Science, 2006(3):394-400.
Li, X. D., & Zhou, D. (2004). Family preventive measures for juvenile delinquency. Journal of Southwest Normal University (Humanities and Social Sciences), 2004(5): 44-49. DOI: https://doi.org/10.13718/j.cnki xdsk.2004.05.009
Liu, H. (2014). The causes of juvenile delinquency and preventive measures. Teaching and Education, 2014(15):38-39.
Liu, T. (2017). The social function and legal model of juvenile delinquency correction: A Perspective of social system theory. Youth Studies, 2017(3):74-81+96.
Liu, Y. N., Hu, Y., & Guo, H. (2014). The influence of online games on juvenile delinquency. Journal of Northeast Normal University (Philosophy and Social Sciences), 2014(1):29-34. DOI: https://doi.org/10.16164/j.cnki.22-1062/c.2014.01.035
Lu, Q, Guo, K. Y., Zhang, M., Zhang, X. B., Hu, F. Q., & Yang, J. L. (2018). The report on juvenile delinquency in China 2017: Based on a comparative study of juvenile delinquents and other groups. Issues on Juvenile Crimes and Delinquency, 2018(6):29-43.
Ma, H ,& Xu, J.Y. (2011). The physical and psychological causes of Juvenile Delinquency -- Based on Adler's perspective of inferiority complex and compensation. Urban Problems, 2011(5):91-96. DOI: https://doi.org/10.13239/j.bjsshkxy.cswt.2011.05.006
Mei, C. Q., & Li, X. G. (2005). The impact of Internet on juvenile delinquency and preventive measures. Issues on Juvenile Crimes and Delinquency, 2005(5):23-27.
Miller, N. E. (1941). I. The frustration-aggression hypothesis. Psychological Review, 48(4), 337-342. DOI: https://doi.org/10.1037/h0055861
Mishra, E., & Biswal, R. A. (2018). Trends and factors associated with juvenile delinquency: A study from India. International Journal of Applied Social Science, 5(10):1613-1625.
Mo, H. X., & Ye, X. Q. (2006). The lack of school education and juvenile delinquency. Issues on Juvenile Crimes and Delinquency, 2006(2):16-19.
Mwangangi, R. K. (2019). The role of family in dealing with juvenile delinquency. Open Journal of Social Sciences, 7(3), 52-63. DOI: https://doi.org/10.4236/jss.2019.73004
Palmer, E. J., & Hollin, C. R. (1998). A comparison of patterns of moral development in young offenders and non-offenders. Legal and Criminological Psychology, 3(2):225-235. DOI: https://psycnet.apa.org/doi/10.1111/j.2044-8333.1998.tb00363.x
Qu, Z. Y., & Zou, H. (2009). Family environment, parental supervision, self-control and juvenile delinquency. Journal of Psychological Science, 2009(2):360-363+374. DOI: https://doi.org/10.16719/j.cnki.1671-6981.2009.02.052
Shi, Y. F. (2014). The reasons for high incidence of juvenile delinquency: A new probe into the causes of juvenile delinquency in China. Issues on Juvenile Crimes and delinquency, 2014(1):41-46.
Sun, L. J. (2020). Causes and prevention of juvenile delinquency. Journal of Changchun Municipal Party School, 2020(04):34-37. DOI: https://doi.org/10.13784/j.cnki.22-1299/d.2020.04.006
Teng, D.R. (2005). Creating new punishment methods for juvenile delinquency. Contemporary Youth Research, 2005(09): 54-56. DOI: https://doi.org/10.3969/j.issn.1006-1789.2005.09.012
Wang, J. P. (2021). Personality traits of children and the ways of caring and education in single parent families. New Course, 2021(34):236-237.
Yang, X. H. (2015). The prevention of idle juvenile delinquency by public security organs: from the perspective of advantages of social work. Journal of Hubei Police College, 2015(5):127-130.
Zhang, H. Z. (2021). Family-related causes of juvenile delinquency in China and Countermeasures. Journal of Western, 2021(23):107-113. DOI: https://doi.org/10.16721/j.cnki.cn61-1487/c.2021.23.034
Zhou, R. J. (2008, March 27) Experts believe that academic failure is the cause of juvenile delinquency. China Society News. pp.001.
Zou, H., Zhang, Q., & Wang, Y. C. (2005). The progress in research on the relationships between family function and juvenile delinquency. Psychological Development and Education, 2005(3):120-124.
How to Cite
Bu, Q. (2022). Juvenile Delinquency in China: Causes and Prevention. Science Insights Education Frontiers, 12(1), 1661–1674. https://doi.org/10.15354/sief.22.re061
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