Environmental Sustainability in Science Education in the Anthropocene: A View from STEAM Education
Environmental problems in the age we live in require us to think differently, to question them, and to do something corrective. The role of science education in the transformation of education and its adaptation to the age is perhaps more than in previous periods. Because at the end of the day is the continuity of our planet. This article examines science education and higher-order thinking skills in the Anthropocene era and presents examples from studies on environmental sustainability as a prominent concept in this field. In addition, it argues that STEAM education is one of the ideal approaches that can meet this goal by presenting examples of what can be done with a holistic and interdisciplinary view of environmental sustainability within the framework of STEAM education. Suggestions are made through STEAM training, with the assumption that environmental sustainability in an intricately connected network structure rather than linear chains can only be understood with an interdisciplinary approach and solutions can be found only in this way.
Anthropocene, Science Education, Sustainability, Environment, STEM, STEAM
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