A Landmark in China’s Basic Education Curriculum Reform
Curriculum reforms in basic education have been an essential component of educational reform, playing a crucial role in promoting student holistic development. To secure their national competitiveness, developed countries have made persevering efforts to improve their basic education. In the early 1990s, the United States started to implement the reform in curriculum standards as a major strategy to address those long-standing issues in basic education such as low academic levels of students and inequality in education, which could be impediments to the achievement of the nation’s political, economic, and social development goals. The revised curriculum standards strived to eliminate the prevalent acceptance of “mediocrity” in the education system. Student learning was transformed into a succession of interrelated activities centered on core objectives and students were encouraged to construct new knowledge based on prior experience. As a result, the previous curriculum system that was loaded with repetitive and superficial exercises was abandoned (Chen, 2004).
Education Reform
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