

Published Dec 31, 2022

Gülbin Kiyici  

Nurcan Kahraman


This study aims to analyze the reliability generalization of the computational thinking scale. There are five dimensions of computational thinking: creativity, algorithmic thinking, coopera-tivity, critical thinking, and problem-solving. A Bonett transformation was used to standardize the reliability coefficient of Cronbach’s alpha. A random-effects meta-analysis was conducted since the heterogeneity among the studies was high. Results supported the RG of the computational thinking scale and its sub-dimensions, which were calculated as 0.843 for general, 0.799 for creativity, 0.848 for algorithmic thinking, 0.863 for cooperativity, 0.799 for critical thinking, and 0.817 for problem-solving. Besides that, the moderator analysis was conducted for the sample type, test length, country, and language of the study. According to the findings, there were no significant moderator effects on the reliability estimation.


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Reliability Generalization, Meta-Analysis, Computational Thinking

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How to Cite
Kiyici, G., & Kahraman, N. (2022). A Meta-Analytic Reliability Generalization Study of the Computational Thinking Scale . Science Insights Education Frontiers, 13(2), 1859–1874. https://doi.org/10.15354/sief.22.ma011