

Published Feb 28, 2023

Liaojian Qu  


Since the 20th century, science and technology have developed rapidly, and the industrialization and modernization of countries around the world have been in full swing. In this context, the education of Socio-scientific issues (SSI) in classroom teaching in primary and secondary schools becomes particularly important. SSIs can serve as an important carrier for scientific, ethical, and moral education, an important path to develop the core competencies of individuals in the 21st century. As future teachers, pre-service primary school teachers receive good science education in the university, develop fundamental scientific literacy, and obtain a basic understanding of nature of science (NOS). Their mastery of NOS has a significant impact on their decision-making skills on SSIs. In science education for pre-service primary school teachers, more attention should be paid to improving their comprehension of NOS and critical thinking ability.


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Pre-Service Primary School Teachers, Nature of Science (NOS), Socio-scientific Issue (SSI), Decision-making Skills

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How to Cite
Qu, L. (2023). Pre-service Primary School Teachers’ View of Nature of Science Helps Decision-making on Socio-scientific Issues. Science Insights Education Frontiers, 14(2), 2051–2054. https://doi.org/10.15354/sief.23.co031