Ariane Baye

Ariane Baye (University of Liège, Belgium)

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Ariane Baye (PhD) is Professor at the University of Liege (Belgium).  She is director of the Center for Research and Intervention in Dropout Prevention of the Faculty of Psychology, Speech and Language Therapy, and Education Sciences. She has worked on equity and effectiveness of education systems. Her dissertation was devoted to study the links between education systems organization and equity, and the specific situation of disadvantaged social groups. She was involved in several international projects in this field (coordination of the European Group of Research on Equity of Education Systems, and of the Equity sub-group of the OECD-Ines B network). She was also the national director of PISA for Belgium, and has been part of the PISA reading test development. She then decided to concentrate her efforts on promoting the development of rigorous research and implementation of proven programs. She is a member of the national scientific committee working on a broad reform of the French speaking Belgium education system. She is implementing experimental programs in the field of dropout prevention, and is working, together with the Center for Research and Reform in Education of the J. Hopkins University, on systematic reviews on writing and reading literacy.