

Published Nov 30, 2019

Yumin Wei

Jiashu Xie  

Zhuorong Zhu


This study was to explore potential patterns of bullying victimization among adolescents in China. By cluster sampling, Delaware Bullying Victimization Scale-Student (DBVS-S), Patient Health Questionnaire-9 (PHQ-9) and Generalized Anxiety Disorder Scale-7 (CAD-7) were administered to 3,761 school adolescents in Hunan Province. Latent profile analysis (LPA) was conducted on victimization by verbal, physical, social and cyberbullying. We found that (i) There is a high degree of co-occurrence among four subtypes of bullying victimization. Four latent classes were identified, including an all-type (traditional and cyber) bullying victimization class (1.5%), a traditional victimization class (3.9%), a mild traditional victimization class (14.9%), and a non-victimization class (79.6%). (ii) Males, middle school students, rural students and poor students were more likely to be all types of victims. (iii) There was a graded relationship between the four latent classes and the level of depression as well as anxiety.



Bullying Victimization, Co-Occurrence, Latent Profile Analysis, Adolescent, Psychological Health

Supporting Agencies

Hunan Province Natural Science Foundation Project "Tracking the Relationship between Adolescent Bullying Victims and Depression: A Study Based on a Mixed Growth Model of Latent Variables" (2017JJ2184).

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How to Cite
Wei, Y., Xie, J., & Zhu, Z. (2019). Patterns of Bullying Victimization among Adolescents in China: Based on a Latent Profile Analysis. Best Evidence in Chinese Education, 3(2), 361–375. https://doi.org/10.15354/bece.19.ar1270