

Published Mar 25, 2024

Osman Urhan

Ercan Akpinar  


Recently, Virtual reality (VR) technologies have started to be used increasingly in the field of education, as in many other fields. With the widespread use of virtual reality applications, there is a need to investigate the effects of virtual reality applications in the field of education. The results obtained from these researches can contribute to the creation of effective and efficient virtual reality-supported learning environments. VR applications, one of the technology-supported learning environments, come to the forefront to help students learn concepts more easily and permanently. Since VR is very new and not a common practice in classrooms yet, it is necessary and important to investigate how VR can be used in science lessons and students’ views on these practices. The main goals of this study were to develop the Virtual Reality Solar System Model (VRSSM) for the unit “Sun System and Eclipses” for the 6th grade students and to find out what the students think about using virtual reality applications in science classes. This is a qualitative study and 16 students participated in this study and used the VRSSM. The semi-structured interview form was used as a data collection tool. The data was analyzed using content and descriptive analysis. The results of this research revealed that the students want VR to be used not only in science lessons but also in other lessons, they think that the knowledge they have gained is permanent and that they believe that this application can increase their science achievement. Additionally, students think that the application increases their interest in science lessons and affects their learning positively. 


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Virtual Reality, Solar System, Science Teaching, Virtual Learning Environment, 3D

Supporting Agencies

This study was funded by the Dokuz Eylül University, Turkey, under Grant Number: 201769

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How to Cite
Urhan, O., & Akpinar, E. (2024). The Views of Students Regarding the Use of Virtual Reality Applications in Elementary Science Classes. Science Insights Education Frontiers, 21(1), 3329–3348. https://doi.org/10.15354/sief.24.or550
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